
The Dodos  
渡渡鳥樂團The Dodos - Black Night

關於MV裡,可能黑白又是互毆的,讓我聯想到"13 TZAMATI(百萬殺人遊戲)"跟"鬥陣俱樂部"~

有些穿插人聲的片段、漸進的節奏讓我想到拱廊之火(Arcade Fire)
《Wake Up》是永遠的經典!!!我愛大合唱!!!

我錯了!!我愛死《Time to Die》,《No Color》專輯裡的每一首歌!! (自罰跪鍵盤

[Companions] 前60秒吉他獨奏迷死人了!!!!!!!
[Fables]  舒暢的民謠吉他刷弦搭配主唱Long如微風般的唱腔,彷若讓時光回到了無憂無慮的平安時代,間奏處的鼓點搭配貝斯聲響十分迷人。(文字無能借用博客來評論)
[Going Under] 長達6分鐘,頭次聽時覺得編曲雜亂很噪、非常沒耐心再聽下去,
[When Will You Go] 不知道該怎麼說,反正就是超好聽的啦~~
[Don`t Try And Hide It]  同上..........


渡渡鳥樂團The Dodos - Black Night (Lyrics)
Black night, blackness
When I wanted you, how I haunted you
All to myself
One gift, one slip
Where you hiding at, who your aiming at
Won't kiss and tell
Control yourself
I don't want it to, I don't need it to
Can someone else
Counting until
When you're heading to, 'cause your attitude
Turn on itself
Kind heart, kindness
Where you going to, are you going through
Heaven or hell
Won't slip, won't miss
When I'm on to you, send it over to
Your faith in hell
Control yourself
I don't want it to, I don't need it to
Contain itself
Counting until
It was never that, I was aiming at
It means someone else
Ha! (x8)

You want it all. You want to walk. You want to walk.
Crack through it
You had it all. You had it all. You had it all
You threw it
You want it all. You want to walk. You want to walk.
Crack through it.
You had it all. You had it all. You had it all
You threw it
Black night, blackness
When I wanted you, how I haunted you
All to myself
One kiss, one slip
Where you going to, are you going through
Heaven or hell
Control yourself
I don't want it to, I don't need it to
Can someone else
Counting Until
When you need it to, 'cause your attitude
Turn on itself
You want it all. You want to walk. You want to walk
Crack through it
You had it all, you had it all, you had it all
You threw it
You want it all. You want to walk. You want to walk
Crack through it
You had it all, you had it all, you had it all
You threw it


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